Questions & Answers

I'd like to know why it is so friggin difficult for some men to answer simple direct questions. You know the kind of questions I'm talking about: Are you married? Do you have a girlfriend? Do you have any children? You know, basic stuff. I can't tell you how many times a guy has either avoided answering these types of questions when I have asked him directly or just straight up's sooooooo annoying and unnecessary. I am asking these questions for a reason, if I didn't want the truth I would not have asked. Life is too short to play games.

On an unrelated topic...So, I have been getting all these weird marriage proposals on myspace lately...all guys from either Europe or Africa looking to marry me. C'mon, there has got to be an easier way to get a green card than to solicit unsuspecting American women on the internet. Good Lord, help the children.

Hit or Miss

I'm so happy that I have a sense of humor about life...and that I can recognize the humor in most situations--no matter how the situation may seem on the surface. For example, I'm a little frustrated that all the cool people that I have been meeting lately live far away from me. And the people I do meet who are in the city are full of crap, have ulterior motives or just won't tell the truth. For example, there's a guy I know who doesn't want to date me seriously because I am a Christian, yet I know for a fact that he is seeing someone who is seemingly even more religious than I am...Does anyone tell the truth anymore? I just have to laugh. I am just thankful that the Lord has me in the palm of His hand...and does not let me stray too far off the path. Thank Jesus for small favors...I'm rambling, but I think that's what blogs are for


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