Life After The Mouse...

Enjoying that remote work life!
Hey Folks!  It's been a LOOOOONNNNNGGG time since I've even said hello, much less created a blog post.  I'm ashamed (well, not really, but at least it makes it sound like I'm somewhat apologetic).

So, what have I been up to?  Good question.  A little bit of this, a whole lot that and tons of rigamaro.

I guess the biggest news to date is that I am no longer an ESPNer!  I left the Disney family almost six months ago. I made the decision to head over to Pace Communications to join the hectic, yet entertaining world of content marketing. Yes, ladies and gents, I am now officially an "Agency Chick" and have been learning to love the life. The account that I am currently working on is blu eCigs® electronic cigarettes.

So in addition to leading blu's digital editorial program, I also get to do quite a bit of writing for the site as well.  Here are some of my recent pieces: 

Ways to Recharge
Music Without Boundaries
Take Back Your Freedom Profile: City of Ink's Miya Bailey

Please read, and let me know what you think.  Feedback makes me happy:-)

I'll be back soon guys, promise!

Until later,

"Creativity is a Drug I can't live without"

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