Another one bites the dust…

Just when I was getting really excited about the prospect of promoting and doing a complete public relations campaign for a female hip hop artist—who is so talented that selling her sexuality doesn’t have to be the number one bullet point on her marketing and promotions plan—I am let down…and disappointed yet again.

I won’t put the artist on blast, but this girl can rap…I mean really flow. And what does she do instead, allow the deviant, bottom of the barrel management/record label pimp her out like a 10 dollar ho…I mean really. Isn’t it getting old ladies? Aren’t you tired of “my neck, my back” being “da baddest bitch” always “droppin’ it like it’s hot” and wondering why women of color are not respected or revered by the world. We complain about not being able to get ahead…well if you stop talking about “giving or receiving head” then you may be able to show someone that you are a great deal more than the sum of your parts, that your assets include more than a pair of stripper shoes, booty shorts and the weave that you paid too much for…yeah, I said it. Ladies, you are not a bitch…stop calling yourself one. Words have power, use your tongue to empower instead of showing how good you can be on your knees. Even if no one else tells you, I’m telling you, you are better than that. Stop selling yourself short, you are worth more than anyone could ever pay you.

We are precious and made glorious by the love of God…act like it! We have to respect ourselves first if we ever expect anyone else to. That’s fact, not fiction. Turning tricks in any capacity (mentally, spiritually or physically) will only do one thing—trap you in a hell of your own design, wondering “how did I end up here.”

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