The Proof is in the Pudding...well pie

Some of my guy friends have accused me of not being able to cook because I am so involved in the pursuit of such anti-typical homemaking activities. Some of them are under the erroneous notion that because I am so "independent" and "strong" that tasks like baking, cooking and taking care of other household chores seem beneath me. While I'll admit that I absolutely hate washing dishes with a passion (I'd rather clean any other room in the house than to subject my delicate members to the sure fate of being labled as 'dishpan hands')--whatever. Anyway, so to the doubters, here is evidence of the fruits of my labor this lovely pre-Thanksgiving eve:

Happy Eating!

1 comment:

  1. hmmmm I think I saw this very same pic on the Kraft page lol. I'm kidding love.

    I applaud you. I'm that very woman your male friends talk about. Its not that I can't cook, I hate to cook. I'm like you, will clean every corner of the house and I love decorating it, I'll do the dishes after 15 people stuffed thier gutts, but way.

    The pies look lovely. Do enjoy your holiday.



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